Tuesday 9th September 2008

September 9, 2008 Alfie 0

‘Running round like a headless chicken’ has taken on a whole new meaning in our house. Due to my shaking it and frantically running round […]

Monday 8th September 2008

September 8, 2008 Alfie 0

Well the PC repair operation is progressing. Most things are now working, however sadly my Mistress is seeking to confirm to the Belgian bank that […]

Sunday 7th September 2008

September 7, 2008 Alfie 0

I’m sitting here with my legs folded, tapping my paw saying ‘I told you so’ watching my Mistress still trying to fix my computer. Funnily […]

Saturday 6th September 2008

September 6, 2008 Alfie 0

Well I’m still borrowing my Mistress’s computer, whilst mine sits idly grinning at me. It turns out that it has lost some of the programmes […]

Wednesday 3rd September 2008

September 3, 2008 Alfie 0

It was amazing while we were away. Humans are such strange creatures. They remember things but have this condescending, patronising attitude towards animals, assuming they […]

Tuesday 2nd September 2008

September 2, 2008 Alfie 0

It was amazing while we were away. Humans are such strange creatures. They remember things but have this condescending, patronising attitude towards animals, assuming they […]

Monday 1st September 2008

September 1, 2008 Alfie 0

Finally I’m home again and almost ready for a normal pattern of life to continue. There are only three days of the school holidays left […]