Finally I’m home again and almost ready for a normal pattern of life to continue. There are only three days of the school holidays left and after that we will be back to normal until half term. To my distress, my Mistress has set me a little project to keep me out of trouble. She wants me to work on setting up a club for those interested in my breed in this country. There goes my dream of regular naps under the desk while she does all the work. I wonder whether as part of my role I could justify travelling to visit and talk to the other Entlebuchers in this country to make sure I take their views into account. It’s not as though I haven’t got enough work with my political party. I am starting to think that if politics were left to dogs then there would be a lot less of it and a lot more siestas!
I hope being given this project to work on isn’t going to mean I don’t get to be part of the alterations to our new house. I would hate to think that my views on the design were ignored. I’d rather like a large dog flap in the back door, so that I can come and go as I please and obviously I do see this as an opportunity to build in an inside dog toilet. It could be a little patch of grass and flowerbed in a conservatory. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy. Although I’m not keen on the sound of the rain on conservatory roofs, so it would need soundproofing. Maybe just a piece of ground with a lamppost in it would do, just as long as it’s indoors.