Sunday 28th November 2010

November 28, 2010 Alfie 0

My Mistress is feeling very pleased with herself for not only diagnosing the problem with her computer but sending for a new hard drive and […]

Saturday 27th November 2010

November 27, 2010 Alfie 0

Well my Mistress’s desktop computer died yesterday. It didn’t take ill and give the opportunity for any treatment. It simply breathed it’s last during the […]

Tuesday 23rd November 2010

November 23, 2010 Alfie 0

My Mistress has had to have the old ‘if you eat too much you’re going to get fat’ discussion with Megan. It’s mainly because Shadow […]

Sunday 21st November 2010

November 21, 2010 Alfie 0

Now here’s an interesting question for you. Is Shadow trying to frame Megan? There are ongoing rivalries between the two girls. To be fair there […]