Oh it’s a happy day. We are back working on the old computer with a keyboard that is big enough for my paws. My Mistress and I have asked for a joint Christmas present this year, we want a nice big screen to go with our rejuvenated computer. We just hope that Santa has been listening and thinks we’ve been good enough. Of course, my Mistress is not totally convinced about her computer capabilities and has instigated daily back up of all essential files to be on the safe side. I think that is probably wise seeing as there are now at least two components in the computer that she has fitted. I even found her looking at the possibility of upgrading the graphics card. “Do you actually know which part in there is the graphics card?” I asked in wonder and amazement, but she sheepishly admitted that she didn’t but also rather boldly suggested that as she hadn’t know which was the ram until she upgraded it then there was probably enough information on the internet to find out. She’ll be setting up in business repairing other people’s computers if I’m not careful and then where will we be?
I think minus 8 degrees is a little colder than I was expecting at this time of year. It also just goes to show why my Mistress should have put the cloches over the fuchsias when I first suggested it. This is exactly the sort of temperature they needed protecting against. The problem is that when my Mistress went to do it they were still flowering and looked lovely and she didn’t want to hide them. Well they aren’t going to be looking lovely much longer, that’s all I can say! Now my Mistress can’t remember where she put the pegs to hold them down, which is a bit of a problem.