Monday 21st December 2009

December 21, 2009 Alfie 0

With only another four shopping days to Christmas, I have to ask the question ‘are you ready?’ I suppose you are more interested in the […]

Sunday 20th December 2009

December 20, 2009 Alfie 0

You may wonder how my Mistress’s trip to Switzerland is going – well it isn’t. She’s back home with her beloved dog. She got out […]

Friday 18th December 2009

December 18, 2009 Alfie 0

Well the first flurry of snow arrived yesterday morning and my Mistress was immediately on the alert for the precautions that might be needed to […]

Tuesday 15th December 2009

December 15, 2009 Alfie 0

On the internet yesterday, there was a story about a reindeer in Edinburgh Zoo that  has just had a ‘life-saving’ operation and it turns out […]

Monday 14th December 2009

December 14, 2009 Alfie 0

Although my Mistress did put some decorations up yesterday, the newer decorations that aren’t in the process of falling apart are in a box. The […]

Sunday 13th December 2009

December 13, 2009 Alfie 0

Oh it’s all very well that my Mistress doesn’t really feel like putting up the Christmas decorations, but what about the rest of us? Who’s […]