Wednesday 13th April 2016 – Some Good News

Thank you all for your good wished for my health. I got my test results back yesterday and I’m delighted to say that even the lump deep in my neck and the one on my thyroid are fatty lumps and nothing more serious. I do have pain around my neck, although we haven’t totally worked out where that is coming from. I’ve got some new pain killers, so we’ll see how they help over the next couple of weeks. There is also an opinion that I may be suffering from a small amount of dementia, but I don’t think I’m the best one to ask about that. Our Mistress says she’s going to sit down with me and discuss how we can make things work best for me at home and she’s asked me to give it some sensible thought. It’s not an easy one. I’d like to have a very quiet life with just her and me and no other dogs, except maybe Wilma as she’s never mean to me. I think I need somewhere that is definitely my own space, where I can be comfortable when I can’t be with her and which is not somewhere the others go. I’m going to give it some real thought. I have got a bit of an idea, but I don’t know if she will think it’s ok or not.

We have agreed that I can decide whether to go for a walk or not and if I don’t want to then as long as I say before we leave she will accept my decision. Some days I’m keen, but others when she gets my harness out I decline to put it on but at the moment we go through a bit of a dance until I do. I only refuse to walk when we get to the airfield, so it’s a bit of a pointless exercise. She says that part of it is she is not very experienced with old dogs and is keen to keep me fit and healthy, which I can understand. It’s one of those things that we’re going to have to learn about together. I’ll do my best.

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  1. Hi Alfie, that is very good news indeed. I hope the new tablets work. My mate here, the old beagle who is 15 is the same.Sometimes he stays here snoozing while the rest of us go out. He is very happy with that arrangement and pleased to see us when we get back as he knows it is dinner time!!! Love Dickens XXXX

  2. Glad it’s nothing more serious.

    It’s tough on owners when dogs get older and less healthy. Wanting to do what’s best for you doesn’t always help us know what that is.

  3. Great news Alfie. Nothing wrong with taking it easier. You deserve it after giving years of love and joy!
    You take care.

  4. Pleased it’s good news on the test results, Alfie. You’ve got more laid-back as you’ve got older anyway. Hope the new pain killers help.

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