We went to Zug instead of up the Rigi yesterday. As it turned out, when we went up my mountain it was very very foggy so we checked all the Swiss webcams to see if we’d be able to see anything. All we would have seen was fog – fog and more fog! It didn’t seem such a good idea for the humans to pay a lot of money to go up to the top of a hill to see fog, when they could see it for free at ground level.

Running with Mama
Anyway, so we started the day up my mountain and Mama and I had a good run again. I did more running as we could see other paw prints in the snow and Mama is not always so pleased to see other dogs as I am. It was funny being able to see that dogs had gone up the hill ahead of us but none had yet come down.

There were some amazing icicles which had formed on the parking meter machines and signs. They weren’t there yesterday, but then neither was the snow. It wasn’t a lot of snow but definitely a good start and enough for me to get excited about. To be fair, I get excited easily.
Zug Pedestrian Crossings
Walking round Zug later we looked at the shops and at the old town and then found a lovely park where we could look down towards the lake. We went to see the birds in the aviary near the lake too. I was very good and a bit more confident now I feel I know my way around there. One thing I did notice is that there are a lot of pedestrian crossings where there are lights and a little human changes from red to green when it’s ok for the humans to cross. The problem is that there is no little dog and I didn’t know whether that meant it was safe for me to cross or not. I think there should be little dogs with the little humans so we are clear.

I’m going up my mountain again soon, but Mama can’t come today. My sister Valeria has a vet visit to see just how many puppies she will be having next week. I can’t wait to hear how she gets on.
© 2018 Rosemary J. Kind All site content is subject to copyright and may not be reproduced without written permission.
Valeria gets on very well, dear Wilma.
I heard you’ll visit us here tomorrow.
Ha! I know now – plus/minus one – how many grandchildren I can expect in about a weeks time. But I won’t tell you now. Only tomorrow! As first good news of the new year.
I’m looking forward to seeing you and your humans.
Oh Mama you do tease me. You know I’m longing to hear how many there will be.
I really missed you this morning. There was a little bit more snow, but not much.
See you tomorrow
Your loving daughter