Friday 11th March 2016 – What a day

IMG_2959Mum complained she hadn’t slept well when we got up at 5.30 yesterday morning. She said something about me taking up more than my allotted space on the bed, but I can’t think what she means. Anyway, we were ready and off by 6.50am both with our backpacks, although Mum had Horsie sticking out of hers as he wouldn’t fit in mine. We got to the car park at 8 and there were dogs and people everywhere. It was quite a walk into the exhibition hall but except for sniffing one or two dogs I was very good. We met some lovely people on the IMG_2962stand. I spent some time with a lady who was physically and mentally handicapped and despite her unpredictable behaviour I sat quietly and calmly so she could try to fuss me. I had a lovely cuddle with a small boy too and gave him a big lick. I felt very proud having my press pass and being allowed into areas where most of the dogs aren’t allowed to go. No one seemed to believe I was only 7 months old and several people wanted to take me home, but of course Mum wouldn’t let them. She did worry I might be being too well behaved and lead people to think we were all perfect. I gave a couple of woofs for good measure, but nothing much. That was mainly when I wanted to go to meet the Dogue de Bordeaux at the next stand from us. He was huge! I wagged my tail at the Bernese Mountain Dogs on the stand opposite and they wagged back.

When it got to lunchtime Bonnie came and took over from me and we took our stuff back to the car and then went to catch the train. It was my first time on a train and there were people everywhere. It was quite a step up to get in and I found that a little daunting, but I managed. I eventually found somewhere to like down. Then when we got to Birmingham, the station was huge. It was IMG_2966all a bit overwhelming, but Mum reassured me all the way and I was fine. Lots of people smiled when they saw me, which Mum enjoyed. It was my first time in a really big city but we didn’t have to walk far. Our Mistress’s hairdresser was lovely and we had a nice cuddle and then I sat by our Mistress’s feet while he cut her hair. Then it was back on the train and we got a seat this time. We walked back through the exhibition hall to the car and by the time I got home I was exhausted and had a sleep so I could recover enough to write this.

I can stay in bed in the morning a little bit longer as we aren’t on the stand until the afternoon. We’re going for coffee with a friend of Mum’s first and then we need to visit some of the other stands on the way in. I met one of Mum’s friends today too and she told me all about her dog Elsie, who isn’t an Entlebucher. One man who came to the stand and would like one of us now originally came across the breed by reading this diary. It was really exciting to meet him. I think that for me the two best bits were spending the time with the disabled lady and also meeting a lady whose name was also Wilma, but she said she was a bit older than me.

You can find short stories to read at

Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE