Saturday 1st January 2011

A very happy new Year to all my readers. I hope that this year will bring you health and happiness with a sprinkling of success. I’m hoping for much the same for myself too. I’ve been forgetting to say and now seems as good a time as any, I’m on Facebook now and would love to have some friends. I’m listed as Alfie Platt. You’ll see my photo in my profile. If you would like to add me as your friend that would be great.

My Mistress has started the year in a very odd way. She is revarnishing the stairs to the back door. They are the ones that we use all the time going in and out to the garden and she was probably being fair when she said we’d made a bit of a mess of them over the last eight months. We’ve been asked to keep off them until the varnish is dry and there has been a second coat of varnish. I know she has asked for the sake of the steps but to be honest, I don’t really want to get the varnish on the fur of my paws either, so it’s fine by me. Megan wanted to see if she could leave a paw-print in it, but I did that with some concrete a while ago, so didn’t feel the need to do it again.

Other than the varnishing we are having a quiet start to the year and taking some time out to do nothing before the real business of the year gets going. My Mistress’s ribs still hurt, so she not ready to be running about just yet. I did suggest we could make a start on taking down the Christmas decorations but she has said that she would rather do that later in the week.