About these parcels that are stuck in warehouses. It’s all very well blaming the bad weather, but do you ever get the impression that there might be other factors involved? I’m thinking of there being a seasonal surge in parcels and not having enough staff to deal with them for one thing. Then of course there is the question of how efficiently their systems dealt with all the parcels that were taken back to the depot because they couldn’t be delivered. I’m guessing that may be the real problem. Rather than all the parcels going back on to shelves neatly in an order in which they can be reloaded for delivery, they are sitting somewhere in a large pile that no one wants to face resorting and are being left in the hope that they will ultimately just go away. The delivery companies that bring things to us an who are efficient usually, still seem to be able to get things to us without problem. It just goes to show you it can’t just be the weather that’s to blame.
I’ve caught the girls sniffing at the bottom of the spare room door. They have now worked out that is where our presents are and want to know what is inside. I pretended that I was above all that and told them they would just have to be patient until Christmas Day and then waited until they were will out of the way before going back for another good sniff to see what I could work out. Someone is going to be getting a dog chew, that much I can smell! It all gets a bit hazy after that. I can smell other things, which may be food related, but sometimes the toys smell like that when they come back from the pet shop too. It depends how they store everything.