My grandparents have gone home and I’m missing them. Granny does such a good job of scratching behind my ear while rubbing my tummy at the same time. There just aren’t enough hands to fuss me all the time now.
We didn’t get any post yesterday. We always have post. I am wondering whether our postman is all right. It may just have been his day off and with holidays there may not have been cover for him, but it is most unusual for there to be no post to deal with. It could of course mean that everyone has forgotten us, as come to think of it there was no actual post on Monday either, just a few items of generic junk mail. We did have one interesting delivery instead though. My Mistress had ordered some freezer labels and a freezer pen. The company were offering a rather good free gift of some food containers that made placing the order well worth while rather than waiting until there were more things we needed. When the parcel arrived there was also a pack of two rather lovely plant supports that you put in the back of large plant pots for your plants to grow up. My Mistress had now ordered them. She rang the company and said that she had received them by mistake and was thrilled when they asked if she would like to keep them. They probably realise that if she is so happy with their service she will tell everyone about them, so on her behalf may I just say what a lovely company Lakeland are to deal with.
The mad sorbet making is getting quite out of hand. My Mistress is now planning to go ‘blackcurrant picking’ at the weekend to supplement the ones she bought, that were to be fair partially mouldy! She is also on the lookout for blackberry brambles in the hedgerows. What was really funny was that she noticed a bramble sticking out of the bush in the front garden so she went out to cut it back. What she actually found is that we have blackberries growing in our front garden so instead of cutting the bramble back she cut the other bush back to give the bramble more light.