It’s all right when you spend your wedding anniversary up to your elbows in algae trying to clean the garden water feature and yet that is exactly how my Mistress chose to spend her day. The wood store got built, which is exciting as it means my Mistress will be able to move the wood from the garage and that in turn will enable her to open the car door when she puts the car in the garage, rather than having to squeeze out. The other highlight of the day was going to have a blood test, my Mistress not me, to make sure her left thyroid has started to do the work of them both. She really knows how to live. They had thought of going out for the day, but it was very wet and blowy and to be honest it was more the sort of day to curl up by a fireside, even if it was too warm to actually light the fire!
They are all off to a place in the next village called Matambo that sells African sculpture. I wanted to go to have a look too but I’m being left behind to look after Shadow. Hello, Shadow is an adult now. She shouldn’t need me minding her. I think it is just the way of leaving me behind but trying to make me feel better about it. My Mistress is trying to get a quote for a special crate for the boot of her car so that we can sit in it but have the hatch open when we stop. We’d still be locked in and safe but get plenty of air. The problem is that her car is not a very normal shape for that sort of thing, so she needs one specially made and the company haven’t replied to her email. I think she’s going to ring them.