Well just as I am getting over my tummy problems Shadow has gone down with the same thing. Either we have both been eating the same rubbish in the back garden or we’ve picked up a bit of a bug. My Mistress is getting fed up of having to get up several times a night to let us out and in fact in Shadow’s case to clear up after her because she wasn’t taken out in time. It was rather sad to see Shadow’s pitiful little face and her lifting of her paw when I was given my food and she wasn’t allowed any. I know I had to go through the same thing a day or two ago, but she looked so miserable. I almost got to the point of offering to share my bowl with her but had to remind myself that it was for her own good and she can look forward to being served chicken and rice for a day or so to help her recover.
My Mistress is now back to her writing at least for part of the time. It meant yesterday was a very quiet day. Shadow spent the day sleeping, in between getting off the couch to ask to be let out urgently. I just spent the day sleeping, but that is what I do best. My Mistress was happily tapping away at the computer while keeping a watchful eye on the pair of us. She did go out briefly, but only to take her car for repair from when the gold buggy drove into the side of her. I’ve asked if she can take my little car to get a quote for the rust to be worked on too and she has promised to at least get a quote for it. She did ask whether I would have saved enough of my pocket money to pay for it and at that point I was the one looking at her mournfully.