Sunday 28th February 2010

You know your weekend has reached the ultimate level of excitement when your choice is either to do the washing or to go to the tip. Oh decisions decisions! In the meantime it turns out that Megan has stopped being such a perfect puppy and has moved into the shredding everything she can find stage. Apparently she has a poorly leg at the moment and didn’t like the fact that she has been having to rest. She rebelled as only a puppy can. My Mistress is now wondering just how much mischief she and Shadow could get into between them. Nothing will be safe. As long as I don’t have to act as a chaperone preventing them misbehaving I don’t mind. Shadow scares me as it is, two women will just be too much to cope with.

Despite the fact that the temperature is not yet high enough for anything much to grow and the fact that the birds are hungry and are likely to eat it, my Mistress has planted grass seed in a desperate attempt to try to repair the grass. I am now taking bets as to whether any of it at all will grow and just how much effort my Mistress is wasting. She didn’t appreciate it when she found out, particularly when she found I was offering 5 to 1 against it growing!

At last my Mistress has asked if I would like to go to see the new house. Apparently she thinks it is now in a state where it will be safe for me. There aren’t odd nails and screws lying around and we do have a staircase. She has said it is on condition that I don’t touch anything and that I wipe my paws before I go in. She has also said I am not allowed to make any smart remarks about why they didn’t do things differently. As id I would. She must be mistaking me for another dog.