Friday 26th February 2010

The safest thing to do at the moment is keep out of my Mistress’s way. She has achieved a state of panic that is not pretty to be around. She has arranged for all our old furniture to come out of storage on Tuesday. However the house may not be quite as ready as she had in mind! She is planning to clean on Monday, but as there are still builders traipsing all over the house I suspect her efforts may be futile. She is trying to stay calm, but I’m not fooled. She is clearly worrying about it. I’m torn. I realise at times like this as her faithful pet it is my duty to be on paw to calm her down, let her stroke me, give me a cuddle, even cry on my shoulder if necessary. However, I think it’s probably safer to hide under the table and wait until she’s got past this stage before I come out again. The most exciting thing in the new house is that she has at last set foot in our new office. When she told me I asked for a full description. I wanted to know how good a view I will have from the window and whether it will be possible for her to put the bird table so that I can see what’s going on. I asked if we now have a bigger office whether I will be able to have a desk of my own rather than having to sit under hers, but she’s not sure about that yet.

More alarming than the desk question is the refitting of the old carpets. It was only when we had arranged to have someone put them back that it transpired that one of them might be growing something furry and unpleasant out in the garage. My Mistress was a little alarmed and I have to say this may have added somewhat to her general levels of stress!