I have just been listening to my Mistress having the weirdest conversation with the tax office. She wrote to them on the 17th of August and hasn’t heard anything back. She rang to find out if they had the letter. Apparently, they can’t tell you if they have had your letter until they actually reply to it and as will all efficient organisations, she can expect a reply by 30th October. It was only when she complained to the supervisor that she got as far as being told they have just issued her refund, even though it may be another five weeks before they write to tell her it’s on the way. All I can say is that it is a good job they haven’t been entrusted to run anything important, where timeliness might actually matter. Maybe the Government has got too carried away with cutting NHS waiting lists and ought to be focussing on some of the other Government services, such as tax. They are quick enough to ask for money when you owe it to them.
Shadow has had her bandage replaced again. Her leg is now healing nicely and if she could be trusted to leave the wound alone she wouldn’t have needed a new bandage on it. Unfortunately, she cannot be trusted and nor for that matter can I. If she tells me it feels a little itchy, of course I’m going to scratch it for her. She’d do the same for me if I needed it. She’s been chewing books again. My Mistress was only out for half an hour, but it was long enough for Shadow to eat the corner of a book. This time the whole thing is still readable, but I think my Mistress only just caught it in time.