Friday 26th June 2009

I was wondering whether they would let me out of the kennels for a while to nip home and see how the building work is progressing. I just wanted to see what was going on. My Mistress has promised to take me for a walk up there when she comes back tomorrow, but I thought it would be fun to be able to find out now and then ring to tell her. I suppose the main thing she will want to know is whether her flower bed has survived them putting a portacabin in the front garden or not. I suppose if it hasn’t at least it saves Shadow from getting into trouble for digging them all up. It would also save us from having to find a way to water them through the summer. My Mistress has told me that I may have to wear a hard hat to inspect the building work, but I don’t think we’ve got one in my size.

Do you think my Mistress will have remembered to bring us back a present? I know she was hoping to go to one of the two pet shops she used to go to in Belgium. She wanted to get a bed for Shadow that would go through the washing machine and tumble dryer a little more happily than the ones she has at the moment. It ought to be illegal for pet shops to sell beds for dogs that don’t wash easily, or at least that’s what my Mistress thinks. When you’ve got a puppy in the house, washing is a rather too common occurrence for a bed. The ones I had from Belgium are much better. I just hope she has bought something nice for me while she was there.