My Mistress’s trip last weekend was not the uneventful travelling that one would have hoped. She went to supervise the removal of furniture from an apartment on the third floor of a complex in France. This meant that the removal company needed a lift to take things out of the apartment over the balcony. Fortunately, this came complete with a very nice Frenchman. The fun started when all the motorists had ignored the official ‘no waiting’ sign and were parked where the removal lorry needed to go. The very nice Frenchman called in the services of two tow trucks and a policemen and very soon my Mistress was keeping a very low profile, hoping that the owners of the four cars that were towed away would not be coming looking for her. It was one of those times that she really wished she didn’t have red hair and wasn’t quite so noticeable.
The only other incident was when the wind gusted along the road and nearly blew the Christmas tree and a fairly light box of ornaments off the lift that was sitting by the balcony at third floor level. My Mistress, having alarmed everyone with her shriek, just managed to catch the Christmas tree before it dived off the edge.
It’s safe to say that not only is she very happy to be home, but she is in no hurry to repeat the exercise at any time in the future. In contrast, we seem to have had a very quiet and controlled weekend at home, thankfully free of any major incidents. Coping ok without her, isn’t a sign that we’re happy for her to go away. I wouldn’t like her to think we don’t appreciate all she does when she’s here.