You will be pleased to know that once again having to wait in the road for the ducks to finish doing what only wildlife can get away with doing in public, has resulted in some lovely little ducklings. There is one mother with a brood of seven following her everywhere. I’m thinking of going and setting up a watch to make sure they are all right this year as they all seemed to suddenly disappear last year and I don’t think it was because they had either grown up or flown away. I suggested to my Mistress that I might go down, but she pointed out that after the rabbit episode I was probably a bigger threat to them than other wildlife and they may prefer me to stay at home. She may have a point.
The auction for the rabbit hutch finishes on Ebay this morning. I am pleased to say there have been no shortage of bids and my Mistress is delighted that they have been able to mitigate the losses brought about by my ‘enthusiasm’. That part of it doesn’t make me feel so bad as the disappointment of a seven year old who was looking forward to having a rabbit of his own. That bit makes me feel really bad, but there are some things that come naturally to a dog that they just can’t overcome and for me the scent of rabbits is one of them. For Shadow it seems to be digging and lets face it which of those is worse in the long run? I can be kept away from rabbits but with Shadow’s digging there is really no hope.