Saturday 4th April 2009

Well we set off last night to stay at my Master’s parents on route. I hope that Shadow appreciates that I have spent a night in a garage just so that I can meet her at the earliest opportunity. I keep checking with my Mistress that she has remembered to bring everything she needs, the most important of which is definitely the puppy pads in case poor Shadow needs the toilet on the journey. Unfortunately until she has had all her injections she isn’t allowed to go out and about where other dogs that may not have been inoculated go. I’ve promised to try to occupy her on the journey to take her mind off having left her mum. It’s going to be a bit hard to play games which involve looking out of the window as she will be too small to be able to see that height. I thought we could have a little bit of a sing a long and then maybe the odd game of I spy, but limit the options to things within the car. I might try to make up some stories to tell her too. I could tell her my Woodland stories but that might take longer than we have.

I’m starting to worry that she may not like me at all. What if she growls at me or doesn’t agree that I’m the boss? What if she’s the sort of dog that likes her own company and doesn’t want to play with me? These are all genuine worries. I’m also more than a little bit worried that the boss won’t have as much time for me, but we have been through all that several times and she has assured me that there’ll only ever be one Alfie Dog and I will always be special. I just need to see if that’s true, after all even I can see that Shadow is very cute.