I had simply the best time ever yesterday afternoon. We chased and played and we tumbled and we laughed. It was just the most wonderful time a dog can have. It made me realise how much I’m looking forward to having more dogs in the house on a permanent basis. I just wish it wasn’t going to take so long for them to move in with us. I took the girls to see the house I’m moving to and our new garden. It would have been nice to play in that one yesterday, but the fences aren’t ‘Alfie proof’ yet. I’m a bit sweet on Raven, the Australian Shepherd. She’s got lovely soft long hair and is always willing to play. We ran and rested and ran some more. I spent most of the evening asleep recovering, in fact my Mistress has to wake me to tell me it was time for tea and that’s not something you hear me say very often.
Whilst my ‘On this day’ book still fails to have anything remotely relevant to dogs, I did find a list of the 10 most intelligent breeds of dog in ‘The Book of Lists’. I am distressed to find that the intelligence of my breed and that of my fellow Swiss Mountain Dogs has not been recognised, although it was gratifying to find Raven’s breed came in at number ten. To be honest when I think about the walk we all went on, I can probably see why she didn’t appear any higher and why I might not have been listed at all! I suppose I should look on the bright side and be glad I’m not related to the Beagle, despite our looking a little similar to some people. They appeared one from bottom on the list of the least intelligent dogs. When I think about it, apart from their tendency to take up smoking, which is hardly bright, Snoopy has done all right for himself, so they can’t all be dense.