I’m so excited. I had completely forgotten that two of my girlfriends are coming to play this afternoon. One is another Entlebucher, just like me but older and the other is an Australian Shepherd who looks a lot like me if I had been crossed with a collie. A border collie body with a Swiss Mountain Dog’s markings. How did that happen? How did two breeds whose origins are so distant from each other, end up with such similar markings? There is a huge project looking at the dna of human beings and working out who they all relate to each other, I wonder if anyone has thought of starting such a project with dogs.
My Mistress is still very busy working on her book. She has almost finished a final edit. That’s the final edit after the last final edit. Now she says she wants to read it through again. What I’m not sure is how that differs from the final final edit. The deadline seemed a long way away when she started the process, but it really feels as though the clock is ticking now. She’s still got to get the formatting right and make sure she is happy with the layout. I’m getting tired just watching her. It makes me glad it isn’t one of my books that is being submitted.
On this day in 1058BC Spot the dog first chased the local tom cat, setting a precedent that has been handed down through generations of dogs around the world. Ok, so I made it up again but it beats the 185th anniversary of the sale of the first Mackintosh raincoat. If I start a campaign, will someone write an ‘On this Day’ book aimed at the pet community? Perhaps I should write to the publishers who are rather suitable ‘Penguin’ to see if they could take it on.