To add insult to injury the rest of the family have now set themselves up on Facebook. My master, indignant at being asked his date of birth has claimed to be 86 years old. I’m just wishing I had thought of that first, rather than being honest and being told I’m not old enough. My Master says it is much easier to find friends by pinching them from my Mistress’s list rather than having to find any of his own. It would be funny if he were joking!
Where our new house is, there are fields opposite. Now there are fields with a for sale board. I didn’t know whether to be concerned that they might not look the same by the time we move in or whether to start saving my pocket money to buy them. I quite fancy developing ‘Alfie’s woodland walk’. Of course it wouldn’t by my original woods as they are in Belgium, but I could try to recreate some of the bits I loved so much and then ask some deer and other animals to move it. My Mistress said that it’s reserved as arable land so I may not be able to plant trees, I was wondering if I could claim they were a crop but just not cut them on an annual basis. I was also thinking I could let lots of people to give me money to plant trees on it and tell them they were offsetting the carbon emissions from all their journeys. It would be good to get lots of other people to pay for me to have my very own wood, right outside the house. James wants it to be grassland to keep a horse on. My Mistress on the other paw is thinking of a sheep or two and some fruit trees. I wonder what my Master would turn it into?