Tuesday 20th May 2008

Alfie looking good

My relationship with the sheep is not going according to plan. We had what can only be described as a ‘stand off’ yesterday. I went out there and there they were looking into my garden. I just stood and looked at them. They stood and looked at me. Neither of us spoke, Reggie one side, me the other. We just stared at each other. Well I knew that breakfast was about to be served, so I couldn’t hang around there all day. So I went over to the fence and peed on it, just to show him who’s boss and then came in for my breakfast. He led the other two off to the other end of their paddock and we ignored each other for the rest of the day. I did mean to be friendly but I just didn’t know what to say and seeing him looking into my garden didn’t seem right. Maybe I’ll have a chat tomorrow.

After my concern about my Mum going to meet another dog, my Mistress sat down with me to explain a few things. Despite the faithful nature of an Entlebucher apparently we aren’t quite like humans pairing off into relationships. I knew I had half brothers and sisters already, as well as my brother and sisters, but I hadn’t really appreciated that they don’t have the same dad to me. I just assumed that my Dad was their Dad and that my Mum had only ever had eyes for one dog. Now I discover that my Dad has been seeing other bitches and that my Mum has seen other dogs. Well as my Mistress was explaining all this to me I was going round with my paws over my ears shouting ’I can’t hear you, I’m not listening,’ except I could hear her and I was listening, I just didn’t like what she was saying.