There is just enough room in the car for me, amidst the detritus of life. I am a little concerned what sort of trip this is going to be as my mistress has packed a large number of bottles of alcohol. She claims it is because they can’t go into storage and she has to get them to England, I am just hoping it is not a whole new take on drinking and driving. We could mix some fairly potent cocktails from this lot! I’ve also concluded she isn’t going to be a whole heap of fun as she has packed a lot of work to do while she is away. There are some printouts of houses they might want to live in. I have been leafing through to see if any of them take my fancy. I like the ones with a paddock, maybe I could have may own horse and learn to ride. I wonder if they do special saddles for dogs with adaptation so I can reach the stirrups and a way to hold the reigns. It would beat going for a walk if I could make the horse do all the hard work.
I have been wondering if the people in England will be as friendly as the ones here in Belgium. It has been good living here. Everyone seems to like dogs. I’m not sure I will get such a warm welcome in England. My mistress says the weather may not be quite as good. It rains more, is foggy more often and isn’t as warm. Now correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t think ‘not quite as good’ covers that. That is more ‘the weather is a disaster’ compared to here. I’m soft. I don’t like rain, cold, wind, or the dark. You would think they would take that into account when deciding where to move to.