In a very confusing incident on a walk the other day, I met a black Labrador puppy about my age. We both wanted to play but neither of our mistresses thought it a good idea on a busy road where we were being walked. The other lady called “Alfie come” so I did. It turned out she didn’t mean me and the Labrador was called Alfie too. There was me thinking I was totally unique. You hear of all the people called John Smith and don’t expect to have the dog name that is the equivalent. I bet the black Labrador hasn’t got his own website and email address!
My mistress has promised, as the weather is still so good that we can get the hammock out later. Aah the hammock. I remember happy times of jumping into the hammock to join my mistress and almost rolling her out the other side. Of course, I was a bit smaller then. I might have to have the hammock all to myself now I’m bigger. I hope my mistress isn’t thinking she can use it without me, that would be tragic, for me at least. Now last year I needed to use a step to get in, I wonder whether I am now big enough to get in without the step and without launching myself out of the other side, or rolling myself up in the canvas. I think my mistress is planning to get the swimming pool up and running again soon too. She is concerned about the grass that has started to grow on its cover. I don’t think it is supposed to do that. It would be better if it grew where the mole hills from last year are still bare earth, or maybe the moles are planning to come back and use them.