Well we are back and at last the murder mystery is being rearranged. Now we just need to find out whether the guests are free and ready to relearn their lines. I think I will be woof perfect by the time it actually happens. I presume it will happen this time.
The other really exciting thing is that my mistress has started to help me to try to put my woodland stories together for publication. If I actually get into print I suppose I could dedicate it to her as a thank you for her help. I hope she isn’t expecting her name to go on the front cover with mine. It’s funny going back to writing about squirrel and hedgehog again and all the things we got up to when I was a puppy. It seems difficult to remember now what was real and what wasn’t. We are putting the synopsis and book proposal together at the moment, then we have to send them to a publisher to see if they are interested. My mistress says I mustn’t be disappointed if the first one I send it too isn’t interested. That happens to some of the other great writers too. At least I would be in good company.
There is a restaurant near here which frankly I am avoiding due to their ‘no dogs’ policy but that my master and mistress went to recently. They went a few months ago but since then it has changed hands. They were welcomed to the ‘opening night’ for which apparently no advertising had been done and which only my owners and another couple of people had found by accident. The new people seemed a little surprised to have any customers and to be honest not very clear on the basics of running a restaurant. I’m guessing they aren’t going to last long. Maybe the next lot of people will have the sense to drop the ‘no dogs’ thing.