Saturday 25th November 2006

This travelling lark is so busy. The brief stay at my grandparents was great if you discount the number of boxes I had to climb over to get into my mistress’s room. It turns out that my mistress got herself organised for Christmas in plenty of time and ordered everything on line to be delivered to my grandparents. I would think by now both they and the postman must be fed up with the number of times he has had to ring the bell. I suppose it must help knowing some of them are for them. I wasn’t allowed in while she did all the opening, as apparently there is something for me. It’s a month away and I am already excited. I spent the time running round the garden with my granddad showing me where my mistress’s previous dog ‘went through the greenhouse’ in an exuberant game of chase with my grandparents dog. I promised to try to be careful and if I wanted to go into the greenhouse to only use the door!

We set off for Middlesbrough as soon as the unpacking was finished and arrived just after lunch. I can see why we are moving house. This one is tiny, it seems too small for just me and my mistress and then the children and my master arrived later. Wow, now I know how they do that ‘getting loads of people into a phone box’ thing that is in the Guinness Book of Records. I have had to promise not to go out on my own, unless it is into the back garden. Given that on the way in all the roads look much the same I can see why my mistress is worried that I would get lost. James and Andy wanted me to sleep in their room but my mistress said I had to sleep downstairs. I was hoping to do what I did on holiday and wait until everyone was upstairs and then creep up and get into bed with my mistress, unfortunately, she had guessed that might be the case and closed my door.