Tuesday 29th August 2006

Just as I thought the summer onslaught had finished my mistress suddenly went out last night and told Helen she had to go with her. I jumped up and down and said “Me, take me” almost managing to copy Donkey from Shrek. I didn’t get included and had to stay at home with the boys wondering what was going on. James thought it was odd when he wasn’t told to go to bed but everything became clear when my mistress came back and brought her other bridesmaid with her. They had picked her up from the airport as a surprise for all of us. Well naturally having seen her in so many photos I was delighted to meet her and jumped all over her in an enthusiastic style. James was cross he hadn’t been allowed to go to the airport but as they are all so pleased to see the other bridesmaid as they think she is really cool, I think he will forgive my mistress for it. I will have to finish writing this later, there is a lot of noise downstairs and I need to see what is going on.

Oh no, what am I going to do? I have just found out it is my mistress’s birthday and I haven’t got her anything. I haven’t got any pocket money left and it is going to be obvious that I didn’t know. Everyone else knew and there are presents and cards. What that all means is that there is no one to feel bad with me or help me sort out a present for my mistress. There goes my buttering up my master and my mistress in the hope I get something nice for my birthday. Judging by the boys it seems to be normal practice to start saying the things you want for your birthday many months before the actual date. I hope I haven’t left it too late to make my thoughts known as it is only a couple of months until my birthday. I really would like a new bed, but it mustn’t be all clean and fresh smelling. I want it to smell like my old one but be bigger. I would also like a bigger screen for my computer or better still 2 screens so that I can see two different things at once. I still want some roller blades and a little mountain bike of my own. I wonder if I will get any of them.