Sunday 30th July 2006

July 30, 2006 Alfie 0

I have already written about the speeding fine but you are never going to believe this. My master received a reminder letter saying it had […]

Saturday 29th July 2006

July 29, 2006 Alfie 0

Well it turns out my mistress likes thunder storms even less than I do, which is saying something. She doesn’t think she is afraid of […]

Friday 28th July 2006

July 28, 2006 Alfie 0

Don’t you just hate automated telephone answering services? “Please press one for new sales, press two for an enquiry for a previous sale and three […]

Sunday 23rd July 2006

July 23, 2006 Alfie 0

Once Chloe left yesterday I just moped around. I felt absolutely lost, even thought she had only been here for a couple of days. Every […]