Nicole and I had a lovely picnic yesterday. We went to the far wood, the one we found Harry in when he left prison. It was nice to go and have a look at it in different circumstances and really be able to have a look round. It turns out on investigation that it looks much the same as our own wood. The trees and plants are the same and the same flowers are out. It isn’t as different as it was when I went to Switzerland. I wonder how far you have to go before things start to look different. If it changes gradually I wonder how long it takes you to realise it has changed. Do you suddenly notice there is an oak tree where you expected there to be a beech or does it suddenly dawn on you that you haven’t seen any beech trees for ages and you seem to be surrounded by fir trees? I mused on this as I stretch out in the sun and had a little nap, whilst Nicole went off to climb some trees and run round some tree trunks. It’s great for her, but it is one of those games I just can’t take part in.
When we got back Harry was still taking down details from animals queuing at his door and my master and mistress were busy building a hammock they had bought. My mistress seems under the illusion that the hammock is for her and thinks that the fact that it is a little too high for me to climb into is an advantage. I presume this is a joke on her part, although not a very funny one. I have every intention of trying out the hammock. Either I will have to get someone to give me a leg up or I will have to devise a way that I can climb up or launch myself from some neighbouring piece of furniture. I am going to need to judge it very carefully to make sure I don’t simply roll out the other side.
The most exciting plan my master and mistress seem to have for the day is washing the cars. They sure know how to live! I think I might chase my tail for a while and then maybe see if I look all cute and take the frisby to them they might just once in a while break off from what they are doing and throw it for me? My mistress says that my catching and fielding are so good that if I could only learn to bowl I might get called up for the England cricket team, whatever that is. I wonder how you learn to bowl with a frisby?