Monday 28th March 2016 – Get Well Soon Basil

Saturday night all got a bit scary as we heard that Basil (Beethoven, from Shadow’s second litter) had collapsed. He was in the car at the time and he’d got his friend Beatrice with him and she alerted his human that there was a problem and made her stop the car. He ended up having to go on a glucose drip and stay in the vets overnight. He went home on Sunday morning thankfully but they are still trying to find out what was wrong with him. I think it might have been the worry of the responsibility that he was about to become a father as Aida was due to give birth anytime from yesterday, but Mum thinks that would not worry him. Anyway, we’re all sending him get well wishes and hoping he is making a full and complete recovery. Apart from our Alfie, he’s probably about the most famous Entlebucher in the country as he’s done so much for the breed in going to shows and showing how wonderful we are. He’s only three and a bit years old, so we really do hope he’s ok. The vet thinks he’d picked up some cannabis or similar somewhere so we really hope he doesn’t get a liking for it!

Flowers on that side
Flowers on that side

I had a great time yesterday at the village events. I didn’t really like having all the flowers in my pack, they were annoying and I shook as much as I could to see if I could get rid of them, but everyone thought I looked cute so that was a plus point. I helped with marking where the eggs rolled to in the egg rolling and then tried to help in the treasure

And Easter Bunny on that side
And Easter Bunny on that side

hunt but I wasn’t so good at that. I made lots of friends around the way which was fun. I did discover how exciting the thought of chasing cats is and that didn’t go down well. There’s this cat that has decided it is going to be the village favourite and it just sat there. Well what is a dog to do? It was as much as Mum could do to stop me going after it and dragging her into the pond in the process.

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Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE


  1. Hi Wilma. Glad you had a lovely afternoon. You don’t look very impressed with your backpacks, love your expressions. I hope Basil is better soon. A woofy tail waggy day to you all. xx

    • I didn’t really like the flowers, the bunny was all right though. Basil is much better thank you. Have a woofly day.

  2. We are so sorry to hear about my brother Basil and wish him a speedy recovery.
    I was late reading the diary today as we have terrible storms here overnight. The power went off and has only just come back on so we had to use the camping stove to make a cuppa. A fence panel is down in the garden so Dad is working on that and the road is blocked as a tree has fallen across it, I did go for a short walk round the village.
    It sounds as if you had a very Happy Easter Wilma. Love to you all Dickens XXXXXX

    • Wow, Dickens, that sounds exciting. Are you being allowed to play with the fallen tree? I think I’d like that. Hope everything is ok.

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