Sunday 10th July 2011 – Well that was close

The weather forecast is good and we’re raring to go. My Mistress is already busy setting things up. We’ve got an agility course and games and she’s even made little signs to go at the ends of the road so people know where they are coming to. I’ve been helping to fetch and carry, but mainly fetch!

It will make a lovely change to have her away from the computer all day. Although to be fair, on occasions she’s fixed to the computer because I’ve pressed the wrong button. We had a very near miss with my new diary. I was trying to do something that proved quite difficult and it didn’t go very well. By the time I’d finished, not only had I messed it up I couldn’t actually log in to put it right. That was when I panicked and called for help. My Mistress had just concluded that I had lost several months work, mainly as her reinstall of the backup had also failed and I was beside myself. I’d been so excited about bringing you the new look diary that I couldn’t bear the thought I had to start again. Anyway, to cut a long and very painful story short, my Mistress said she’d try to guess at something that she didn’t really know what she was doing. It turned out that she isn’t as stupid as she looks and she guessed right and was able to fix the problem. It was a very happy moment for all of us. The girls don’t usually get excited but they had been banished to the other room while we tried to fix the problem so they were happy to be let back in. I’ve now promised to let my Mistress do any of the difficult bits and stop trying to be too clever. She has said if we win the lottery we’ll pay someone to do the difficult bits, but as I don’t buy a ticket, I can’t really see that happening.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –