Tuesday 31st May 2011

You wouldn’t believe how hard I am working to transfer my diary. So far I have moved just over two of the five years. My paws ache from the process. I have to copy and paste it day by day and then set all the correct dates for publication. We’ll do some more tidying up of it when it goes live, but in the meantime I’m just trying to move it over. It’s the last thing to finish moving on the web hosting now, so I’m holding everything up. My Mistress has been beginning to tidy up and redesign her other websites. She says when we get as far as launching mine she will help me putting some more pictures on it. I just wish we could have found a quick way to do it, but the computer programme that was supposed to do it didn’t work. Typical really!

I’ve been helping my Mistress working on all the press releases she is sending out for her book. I’m learning a lot about the different angles you can take. To the rail magazines she emphasises the train aspect, to the London magazines it’s the London background. Then there are the papers in places she was born, places she has lived, places she lives now, magazines for industries that she has worked in and then there is everyone who has ever known her. No one is immune from receiving the marketing literature. I said she has become a spammer, but she prefers to look at it a little more as asking people to support a struggling writer. Ah well, there are two ends to every dog biscuit.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind alfie@alfiedog.me.uk