Friday 24th December 2010

The nice people who come to treat our lawn had booked to come yesterday. The first problem was finding our lawn under all the snow. The second problem was making sure it was the grass it went on and not the plants. There are some jobs that are made much harder by the ground being covered in white stuff.

I have been making my preparations for Santa arriving. I have hung my stocking up. The biggest problem is that we have two chimneys and I wasn’t sure which one he would come down. I dithered between the two for while but then my Mistress gently pointed out that he would have some difficulty coming out of the bottom of the one with the wood burning stove, so it must be the one in the lounge. When she put it like that it seemed obvious. I’ve left him a small glass of brandy. Although I am seriously considering setting up surveillance on that one to make sure my Master doesn’t get to it first. Then I’ve left a whole box of mince pies. Well it was a whole box, but my Master did get to it first and now it’s a part empty box. My Mistress has hung her stocking the other side of the chimney from mine. I do hope he brings enough present to fill them both. She said as a child they used pillow cases instead of socks. I said I’m not being as greedy as to expect a whole pillow case of presents.

I heard from one of the puppies the other day. I was overjoyed as he is called Alfie too. I think having a literary bent goes with the name as he is writing his own blog, which can be found at I am really looking forward to meeting him and comparing notes on being called Alfie and being a writer. I do have to say his puppy pictures are really very cute, although obviously man to man I wouldn’t want him hearing me say that.