It isn’t often you get to share a wonderful new idea. Being a dog that loves books, I always like to hear of others sharing my passion and whilst I don’t come across that many dogs who do it’s always good to hear about children wanting books, as that sets them up for the future. There’s a bookshop called Blackwells in Edinburgh where a lovely lady in the children’s department had the idea to set up a book tree. On the tree are the names of children in vulnerable situations, who are less likely to be bought lovely new books for Christmas. The tree has on it what their wish would be for a Christmas book. Members of the public can then buy the book as a gift for the child. For those of us with plenty, it is a lovely way to celebrate some of the real meaning of Christmas and at the same time share our love of books. You can read more about it here and if you would like to buy a book then ring the Children’s Department at Blackwells on 0131 6228225.
I think that as many Christmas decorations as are going up are now probably up. My Mistress has reached that point where she never wants to see another bauble again and where she is already not looking forward to having to take them all down again. I guess the secret to really enjoying your decorations is ‘moderation’ and she passed that stage several days ago, somewhere on the pathway to ‘obsession’.
I am quite excited about today as the temperature is forecast to be much warmer than it has been. I’m thinking of spending the day in the garden to make the most of it. I’ve been missing out on eating the bird seed and generally smelling what’s on the air so it will make a nice change if it’s warm enough to plod round the garden without my paws freezing solid.