Today is a day of much rejoicing. The Christmas decorations were lost but now are found. My Mistress is a very happy person. She thought she’d accidently put them into storage along with her winter clothes and in this instance ‘storage’ isn’t the loft but a warehouse near Leeds. In a last vain hope, she started to check all the boxes still piled in corners of our house and there they were, minding their own business. I don’t think she had better admit to my master that she had already started to buy some more as replacements. Somehow, I think the less said about that the better, although I do quite like the new wooden rocking horses. It does mean with the extra lights, we probably have enough to use up the whole of the national grid. There are still four weeks to go and I’m already starting to get a little bit excited. I wonder when I should hang my stocking up?
James is performing in a production of Oliver this weekend and it seems that I am the only member of the family who is not going to watch. Once again the family pet is left out. Do these people have no shame? I’m the one who has had to put up with him going round the house singing ‘food glorious food’, but it is another dogist occasion, when I will be excluded simply because I walk on four legs and wear a fur coat. Admittedly, I don’t think there is a ban on fur coats, but if any do attend, they certainly won’t be alive. I wondered if I could sneak in at the back, but I think someone might spot me. I’ve listened to him singing it so much I probably know all the words. I could have joined in if they would let me and I can really put passion into words like ‘food, glorious food, wonderful food’. It rather touches my heart.