After a quiet weekend it’s back to normal. Old ‘gummy’ is on the mend, my Master is coming home tonight and all’s right with the world. I shall be glad when my Mistress is back on solid food and my scraps don’t consist of repeated doses of homemade soup. I need meat to get my teeth into. There is meat in the soup but it’s in tiny pieces, I’ve swallowed before I know anything about it. My Mistress is also hoping for a week that is free from computer problems, but then she is also hoping for an end to poverty and the start of world peace. She said for this week she would settle for no computer problems as a starting point!
I’m trying to remember that I have promised to be nice to the terrier at dog training tonight and I know that I will remember, right up to that moment that the fun gremlins get me and then, well who knows what I’ll be tempted to do. I’m getting worse about anything happening at the field opposite. I only have to hear the gate open and I want to find out what I’m missing. I can see her point, yesterday I refused to go for a walk as I thought I was missing out on something in the field opposite home. We only got as far as the new house and I made my Mistress turn round and go back. As it turned out, the cars were just leaving and all I could do was sit at home and whimper. My Mistress says it will be better when we move, but I’ve already noticed that there is skate boarding in the barn next to our new house and I’m wondering if they might let me have a go at that.