My Mistress has just read my holiday diary and has suggested to me that I should have been a little more honest about one or two things, so here goes. I confess, when I arrived at the boatyard I didn’t want to get on the boat. My legs were quaking, although not as badly as those of a Labrador on a neighbouring boat, but I think he was only a puppy. In the end my Master had to lift me onto the boat to make me get on. Then later when My Mistress took me for a walk back through the boatyard car park, I went to sit next to the car and asked to go home.
I was a bit better on day two, although if there was a chance to get off the boat onto dry land I was the first one there. I wouldn’t even sit up too high to look over the side while we were travelling. I wouldn’t drink while the boat was moving and I wouldn’t let me Mistress out of my site. I was not the one to fall over and bruise my shin while jumping off to tie the boat up, you’ll have to ask my Mistress about that one! Come to that I wasn’t the one whose vertigo was so bad by the end of day two that she decided that as long as the weather was ok, she would walk to our next destination while the boys took the boat. However, despite the possibility of the walk being at least six miles, I was the first one to volunteer to go with her.
I did discover this holiday that I’m rather partial to corned beef and that I’m not averse to licking up the odd mouthful of spilt cherryade. I do think it’s important to try new things.