Odd just isn’t the word for it. “Alfie we’re going for a walk somewhere else.” Well I got my lead and was all excited. We only went as far as the village after next and then got out and walked all round it. Except out efforts were somewhat thwarted by water. As it turned out, her plan was to see if there was somewhere nice to walk if they buy the house they’re looking at. We parked near the village green and walked to the nearest lane but that was totally blocked by a flood. Then we walked to the end of another road and onto a footpath and guess what, that was totally blocked by a flood too. I did like the field that the footpath was through but you know me, I don’t like to get my little paws wet and dirty if I can help it. Then she walked me round lots of bits to have a look and by the end of it we were both as confused as each other. I said to her “Well it’s ok, but it’s certainly no Belgium.” She agreed but pointed out it was impractical to go back to live there, even though our old house is still empty. To be fair I’ve grown quite used to having somewhere with a large duck pond. I think anywhere without a pond would be a bit of a let down now, so I don’t know what they’ll decide. I can see her point about not having enough space where we are, but it is nice and green and very quiet and both of us rather like that. She has agreed we can have our own little summerhouse if we buy that house, so that she can be nearer to the garden but what she really wants is more garden and, if truth be known, fewer neighbours – unless they’re sheep!