So here I am staying with McKenzie and bored because she isn’t in a position to play. Usually there a lot of other dogs staying but I seem to be pretty much on my own so I have had to resort to reading magazines and searching for things on the internet. If only I knew my mistress’s Ebay log in by heart I could really have some fun. Do you think there is an organisation along the lines of ‘Ebay Anonymous’ to help wean addicts off their bidding tendencies? My mistress seems only to bid for small value items and spends more on postage than on the item itself. She bought a mug the other day for $5. Then they wanted $26 to post it express mail. She is hoping they can find a slow boat to send it on that might be a little cheaper. It could of course be the time to go and buy shares in worldwide postal services!
In one of the magazines I was reading I have come across details of a ‘National Birdwatch’ here in Belgium at the start of February. It is in Flemish so I have had to guess most of what it says but I think I am supposed to watch for at least half an hour and keep a log of all the birds I see. I may have to do it from somewhere they can’t see me so that I don’t frighten them off. Do you think I could just write down all the ones I have seen through the course of the year or do you think I need to be accurate? I could write down some I see when I close my eyes as well, like the condor and the dodo but they might not think I was taking it seriously. If I have chicken sandwiches at lunchtime could I put the chicken down as long as I eat them in the garden?