Sunday 31st December 2017 – A thought to end the year

You have to worry about our Mistress. Yesterday she wore her new sweatshirt for the first time. I don’t know which is worse, the fact that she has it or the fact that she came up with the slogan. Is it any wonder she now thinks she needs to diet and probably is guilty of eating too many cakes? What do you do with her? I’ve suggested she should have a bowl of my food twice a day, carefully measured out as mine is and absolutely no treats. Ok, I’ll relent and let her have half a Bonio at bedtime, which is what we are allowed. Then let’s see if she can end up nice and slim with a glossy coat and a wet nose.

We’ll all be in bed long before midnight tonight. I don’t think the humans will be, but of course we’ll have the last laugh as we will still expect them to get up at the same time tomorrow to get our breakfast.

I’m not sure what’s planned for tomorrow. I think that Alfie is going to write the diary, even though it’s really Wilma’s day. He wants to give you all a New Year message. I think that maybe Wilma did too good a job of the Christmas one so he wants to feel he still has an important role to play. I’m happy just to pad around and do nothing very much. I can take laid back to a whole new level of achievement. I’m more of a brain dog than a get up and be active sort of guy. It’s just that I nap a bit while I’m thinking. So while all of you are off to work out what you’re going to wear for your New Year parties I’m going to check how comfortable my basket it is and which way round I want to face for my naps.

Have a great New Year



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