Thursday 28th December 2017 – New Year’s Resolutions

Oh no! I’d forgotten that Mum expects us all to make at least one New Year’s Resolution each. I’m going to sit down with the others later to see what we can come up with. To be fair Mum has made some suggestions for each of us but I think we need to give some thought to whether they are things we can do. She has suggested that Alfie joins her on a diet. He’s not keen I know, but can’t argue against the sense of not putting too much pressure on his old joints. I’m wondering if he could do a bit of negotiation and maybe upgrade his treats to best steak to compensate.

Mum’s suggestion for Ari is that he could try to be nicer to Alfie and not feel the need to pounce on him. I can see the sense in that one too, but I think Ari would find it very difficult to keep for very long.

The suggestion for Shadow is that she stands down from thinking it is her duty to guard everything and maybe could bark rather less. I not only thought that was a good idea but also found it quite funny until Mum turned to make her suggestion for me. Apparently, I could resolve to cut down on some of the attention seeking barking. Ok, so she may have a point, but what am I supposed to do when I find for five minutes I’m not actually the centre of attention? Who wouldn’t cause a bit of noise in that situation?

Mum’s asked if I can also remind you all about how toxic some human foods are for us. Most people know that we can’t have chocolate, but it’s important to know that things like currants and raisins are highly toxic for us too. If you find your dog has accidentally eaten any mince pies or Christmas cake, however little he has had, then it’s really important to get him straight to the vet. Christmas can be a very dangerous time for us so please help us to stay out of trouble.

I’m off to think about being the centre of attention.



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