Friday 4th July 2014 – That explains it

I told my Mistress I wasn’t feeling quite right and didn’t want to do much walking this week. I’ve been going round with a hang-dog expression and being very quiet. Anyway, I went to the vet yesterday and she confirmed that I have lumbago, or the dog equivalent. I’ve got some anti-inflammatory medication and my Mistress has said when she gets back she will try to fit in some extra swimming session for me to strengthen my back. In the meantime I really am feeling quite miserable and sorry for myself and that’s without the fact that my Mistress goes away today and leaves us all behind. It’s no good my being ill while she is away I’ve got to look after our Master, although Shadow does quite a good job of that too.

Today our Mistress is driving to Heathrow. She’s calling at my human maternal grandparents on route and then is expecting to spend her afternoon stuck in traffic. It all adds to the holiday experience. She has not flown for about 7 years as she developed a fear of it. She hasn’t got rid of the fear so tomorrow is going to be traumatic to put it mildly. She decided that as she was nearing 50 something was going to get her sooner or later so there was no point in missing out on the things she wants to do. Let’s see what she has to say when she gets back.

Thankfully Shadow is coming to the end of her season so life is returning to a more normal hormonal level in the house and Aristotle is not so excitable. It’s a blessing as he can be a real pain when he wants to be. I wonder if I was as bad as that when I was young.

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