I love coming down in the morning to hear the excited little squeaks of my protégés. My Mistress would have had a good long night’s sleep if I hadn’t been sick as soon as she had gone to sleep and then the rest of the house woken her to come and sort me out. I didn’t mean to. I think I may have got a bit carried away eating bird seed yesterday.
I’m looking forward to today’s midday weigh in as I think some of them might be gaining quite well and Shadow seems to be feeling better than she did a day or so ago. I think she has more milk again, which is good news for everyone.
Today the puppies move into their ninth day. It is still early stages for them, but we are already talking in detail to the people whose homes they may go and live in. There are so many important things to arrange. Obviously, I need to meet all the prospective owners and give them a good sniff. We need to talk to each of the puppies about the sort of home they would like to go to and especially with Aristotle we need to think if anyone is even nearly special enough to have him as part of their family. Then we need to ask each of them to buy a comforter, like one a baby has and to sleep with it under their arm pit for a few days, so that it really picks up their scent. Then they need to bring it for their puppy so that he or she can get used to it and have Shadow’s scent mingling with theirs. That way when they go to their new home it won’t seem quite so strange and the little puppies will settle more quickly.
As an aside from the puppies, I do have to laugh about the ways people find my diary. Yesterday, someone searched on ‘insulating a summerhouse’ and happened by my meanderings. Well if you are reading today, can I suggest you get someone in. We have all the equipment and a half finished project and of course winter is on its way, so we are a little late.
Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind alfie@alfiedog.me.uk
Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00583ZGSA