Monday 12th September 2011 – A plaster cast for my Mistress

Today my Mistress will be typing only those words that can be reached by the left hand. She twisted her right hand on Saturday and something went ‘ping’. She hoped it was a short term problem, but had to conclude yesterday that a trip to casualty was a good idea. As it turns out, it was and she came back with a plaster cast on her arm and is now waiting for a scan to find out the extent of the damage. It is reasonable to say that she is more than a little fed up. It is amazing how much longer everything takes when you have to do it one-handed. It is quite entertaining to sit and watch her frustration and quite frustrating when the delays occur to our meal times.

I’m just hoping her hand isn’t out of action for very long, given that we are now on the final countdown to puppy arrival. Wednesday should be funny, trying to watch her build a new garden tool store one-handed. I might offer to help, but that would totally spoil the entertainment value. Of course with the tail end of a hurricane promised to hit us later today, she may also get more than a little bit wet. If I were a really mean dog then I would see if I could get the web cam pointing in that direction and press the record button. The plan had been to get the grass cut before the bad weather, but it turns out you can’t have everything. It was difficult enough planting the new herbs she had bought the day before. The sad bit is that my Mistress was at last ready to sit her first ever keyboard exam and sent her entry on Friday, now she won’t be able to practice and will have to defer until spring.

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind

Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –