It is easy to tell that the old adage ‘never work with children and animals’ was dreamed up before the advent of computers. If you listened to my Mistress working away at her desk, it really ought to be changed to ‘never work with animals, children or computers’ and certainly not a combination of two of the three. Trying to design a website and redesign another one is proving more than my Mistress can take and you can almost see the steam rising as she gets more and more annoyed that it won’t do what she wants it to. I’ve said if she found someone who knew what they were doing it would probably be easy, but she didn’t find that a helpful comment as basically she has her and that’s about it. It isn’t that she can’t get the sites looking nice. They do, they look lovely. It’s that they won’t actually do any of the things she has in mind right now. She’s going to have another go later on.
We have, at the recommendation of another dog breeder, put Shadow on a product called ‘Fit and Fertile’. The funny thing was that when it was delivered, instead of coming in a plain box, like most packages, they simply stick the address label and the postage on the tub, which means everyone can see what it is you are having delivered. Apparently it promoted an interesting discussion at the sorting office and Brian, our postman, was able to tell all his work colleagues about our breed. My Mistress has promised to dig out a leaflet or two for him to take in to show them all. My Mistress was glad they realised the tub of supplement was for one of us and not for her!
Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind
Alfie’s Diary – the Book is available at Amazon UK –