Thursday 9th June 2011 – Megan hates the dentist

Megan says she hates the dentist and never wants to see him again. She is mostly complaining about not having been able to have her breakfast before she went yesterday and feeling hungry. I didn’t like to say that if she’s ever going to look good in a bikini this year then it won’t do her any harm at all.

She is now back home recovering and says she hopes that is her last experience of dental work and from now she will be flossing regularly in the hope that her teeth will last a lifetime. I went to look in the mirror to check mine were ok and to be fair the dog that smiled back at me didn’t look bad for his age. Slightly greying round the muzzle but in a distinguished sort of way, rather than looking older. Well that was my opinion, anyway.

My Mistress has been briefing us for what we need to do while she is away this weekend. The most important one seems to be to let her know the minute Shadow’s season starts. It has to be sometime soon. Shadow says all the pressure we are putting her under isn’t helping. If this is what we are like now, what will we be like when we are waiting for the puppies to be born? Although at least then the date range won’t be nearly as wide as this is proving to be. We could still have another week or so to wait if she is the latest expected date. In a perfect world it would start on 19th June as then My Mistress won’t have to cancel any of her plans and James will have got his exam out of the way before she goes. Since when has it been a perfect world?

Alfie Dog with a little help from Rosemary J Kind