Tuesday 7th December 2010

The builders are trying to rearrange the day they need to do the last bits of finishing off. They emailed to ask if our snow had thawed. I fell about laughing. How exactly is it going to thaw when the temperature doesn’t go above freezing? When we got up yesterday morning the thermometer said minus 12.1 degrees. That is in centigrade so I will admit that it isn’t as bad as you might first have thought. That would be 10 Fahrenheit. Still not likely to thaw though! And might I just say from a dog who had to go out in it to pee, it was bloody cold on the paws. They have arranged a day next week to come, but looking at the weather forecast I’m not holding my breath.

My Master has been completely absorbed by the cricket. It’s always good when we do well against the Aussies. It means my Master is in a good mood, which we all enjoy. Of course it’s usually the English praying for rain so that we don’t lose by too many runs, rather than us wanting it to stay dry so that we can win. Funny thing weather, we all want it to be on our side.

My Mistress has bought my Master an ‘experience’ present for his birthday. I’m not allowed to say what it is, but I want to have a try too. I did try reading through the small print to see if dogs were allowed, but I think the most we can expect is to be a spectator and where’s the fun in that? On a brighter note my Mistress says I can help ice the Christmas cake later this week if I’m really good. I’m not sure what I will allowed to do, but she has a new icing set that is supposed to be easier to squeeze and I’m even thinking it might be possible with paws. I’ll be happy as long as I get to eat some of it. That’s where the real fun is to be had.