Friday 24th September 2010

Why wasn’t I taken to see Romeo and Juliet at the theatre last night? I know I am not studying it for GCSE, but I would still like to have been included. I’ve never been to see anything like that I do find Shakespeare quite hard to read. It would have been much better seeing it brought to life. I think they all enjoyed it, but I haven’t really had time to catch up with them this morning to find out. I was asleep when they came in last night and although I did get up to say hello to my Mistress, I went straight back to bed again.

We have the builders here today, sorting out one or two problems. We couldn’t open the door to the garden store, which presented something of a problem as all the tools for doing the garden are in there. Once we can get in, my Mistress has said we all need to help in clearing up the garden. She did some weeding a couple of weeks ago and thought that should be it for a while, but then the weather warmed up and the weeds all grew again. I think it’s all a bit inconsiderate and pointless too. We are waiting for some bulbs to arrive which will flower in spring. She had intended to plant the window boxes of the summer house but there is a small design flaw. If you have anything growing and then open the window, it would knock all the heads off the plants! I’m not sure exactly how she plans to address that particular issue. I do know she is intending to put some bulbs round the edge to hide the concrete base. I have promised not to eat anything she puts in, but the girls have been a little more reluctant. They have already eaten some marigolds and poppies, so there isn’t much hope.